The Life of Daisy Ditzy Do

September 28, 2005

Word of the Day

I subscribe to's word of the day email service. On Sunday this is the word I received:

gimcrack \JIM-krak\
noun: A showy but useless or worthless object; a gewgaw.
adjective: Tastelessly showy; cheap; gaudy.

For some reason this word cracks me up. Go ahead say it a few times. It's just silly.

September 22, 2005

A to Z Me ~ F

F is for Friends
in two ways
I love my friends. They are so very important to me.
Lately several 'friends' have come and gone. But I am blessed with a couple of true friends that I know will always be around.
Now I will embarrass by oldest and dearest friend by putting her picture on my blog.
This is me and my BFF (that's 13 year old speak for Best Friend Forever) Traci.
We've known each other for 15 years. She knows it all and still loves me.

Photo by co-worker and photographer Angela. She can take great pictures of you too. Ask me for her info.

These are the other 'Friends'

Friends is the greatest show ever!

I think some would call me obsessed with the show. I don't think so really. Sure I can quote and Friends episode for almost any occasion but does that make me a freak? Okay maybe it does. But it's the best show ever!

For those who get it

She also made out with Takaka Ki Kek the night before he went back to Thailand.

September 19, 2005

Something I never thought I'd say...

Jack Osbourne looks HOT!

A to Z Me ~ E

E is for Excitable
I get excited. When I am happy about something I don't hide it. It would not be unusual for me to be giddy and even jumping up and down. I think why bother to hide it. Be Happy!

September 09, 2005

A to Z Me ~ D

D is for Disneyland
Sure, D could just be for Disney but I wanted to narrow it down a little.

Disneyland is undoubtedly my happiest place on earth.
I visit every 6 weeks or so and I never run out of things to do. I can run around and ride everything or I can just sit and people watch. No matter what I decide to do there is always a certain kind of happy that fills me while I'm there.
My all-time favorite trip was just this past July. Disneyland turned 50 on July 17th and my mom turned 60 on July 18. My mom, dad, brother, sister-in-law, 2 nephews, BFF Traci, her daughter and I spent 3 days running amuck around Disneyland celebrating both birthdays. It was trip of a lifetime fantastic.

Sorry, Traci and her daughter are not pictured.

A to Z Me ~ D and a half

I could not choose just one for D
D is for Dog
I just love them!
When I was a child I was so afraid of dogs. I was the kid that would cross to the other side of the street even if the dog ahead was secured in a yard. To the best of my knowledge it came from a nightmare I had as a kid about being chased by dogs. I woke up when they caught me. The fear hung around until my late teens when I realized that no dog had ever actually hurt me. I decided then to just get over it. I found out a short time later that I am a bit allergic. DARN IT!
I pretty well just ignore the reactions when they come about. The bumps, burning, itching, watery eyes and drippy nose stop eventually.

I am very fortunate in that I work in an office where employees can bring their dogs to work. Frankly, this is one of the major reasons I am still working there.

Here are some of my Dog Friends. Unfortunately I could not get pictures of all of them.

This dapper pooch is my friend Traci's schnauzer, Junior. He is a bundle of energy. He would fetch for hours if you could stand it.

Some of The Office Dogs

These two adorable toy poodles are Ellie Mae (tan) and Betty Sue (black). They are the most fun dogs in the office. They love to chase each other around. Every once in a while we see these two as just flashes of fur zipping through accounting. They are so much fun!

This is Olive. She is about 10 months old now. She is so much fun and so loving. She absolutely loves to sit in my lap. I can not even crouch down near her without her attempting to get up in the lap. She's a good running dog too. I used to take her running with me when I ran during lunch.

This is Mikki. She passed away last month. She belonged to one of the owners of No Fear. (the company I work for) She was the sweetest big old doberman ever.

September 07, 2005

The Train of Thought

My trains of thought can take very wacky paths. Here is the train of thought that raced through my head this morning that sort of brought down my whole day:

~Maybe hot Stitch guy will be at work today.
~I love that hot Stitch guy named his dog for a Disney character.
~Why didn't I tell hot Stitch guy that I named my cat for a Disney charter?
~I bet he wouldn't make fun for me for the name like that jerk Julian did. (former husband for those who don't know)
~What a jerk he was about that.
~Come to think of it, What The Heck Kind Of Name Is Knickers?!
(That is what he named the first cat we got together. She lives with him now.)
~Knickers doesn't have any significance at all!
~Knickers are short pants popular around the turn of the century. Not A Cat!
~I wonder how Knickers is doing?
~She's such a sweet cat.
~I miss her.
~I miss rubbing her chin and listening to her purrr.
~Hey! That other new chick is spending time with my Knickers!
~I wonder if Knickers likes her?
~I wonder if she treats Knickers like the little princess she is?
~I hope Knickers doesn't like her.
~ARGH! It bugs me that some one else is spending time with the Fluffy Princess Knickers

September 02, 2005

A to Z Me ~ C

C is an easy one for me

This is my cat Berlioz. He is a wacky little fella. He's named for one of the kittens in Disney's The Aristocats. And the top half of each ear is gone. I do not know whether it is a birth defect or it was done by human hand. His brothers all have the same ears. I got him from a group called F.O.C.U.S. when he was about 8 weeks old. My mother calls him an embarrassment to cats. He fetches, he gets excited when I come home, he knows that 'Good Boy' means treat and he licks my face.

This is Marshmallow. She was born to a friends cat in 1990. For you mathematically challenged sorts that makes her 15 years old this year. She lives next door with my brother now. She's cranky. I love her.

These two moochers are Pat and Terry. They are my brothers cats. They seem to like my yard better then their own. I feed them and rub them behind the ears. My brother tells me I see them more then he does. He found a mama and her kittens in the back yard about 5 years ago. He could not tell the sex of the kittens right away but wanted to name them so they became Pat and Terry.

I had no choice but to give you a picture of Terry eating. It is the only time he stands still.