A to Z Me ~ D and a half
I could not choose just one for D
D is for Dog
I just love them!
When I was a child I was so afraid of dogs. I was the kid that would cross to the other side of the street even if the dog ahead was secured in a yard. To the best of my knowledge it came from a nightmare I had as a kid about being chased by dogs. I woke up when they caught me. The fear hung around until my late teens when I realized that no dog had ever actually hurt me. I decided then to just get over it. I found out a short time later that I am a bit allergic. DARN IT!
I pretty well just ignore the reactions when they come about. The bumps, burning, itching, watery eyes and drippy nose stop eventually.
I am very fortunate in that I work in an office where employees can bring their dogs to work. Frankly, this is one of the major reasons I am still working there.
Some of The Office Dogs
These two adorable toy poodles are Ellie Mae (tan) and Betty Sue (black). They are the most fun dogs in the office. They love to chase each other around. Every once in a while we see these two as just flashes of fur zipping through accounting. They are so much fun!
This is Olive. She is about 10 months old now. She is so much fun and so loving. She absolutely loves to sit in my lap. I can not even crouch down near her without her attempting to get up in the lap. She's a good running dog too. I used to take her running with me when I ran during lunch.
This is Mikki. She passed away last month. She belonged to one of the owners of No Fear. (the company I work for) She was the sweetest big old doberman ever.
I love dogs! More pictures of dogs from work!!
Hi Laura, Thanks for the dog picture posts as well as for the great Humane Society link. I'm going to try to get one of those.
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