The Life of Daisy Ditzy Do

November 09, 2005

A to Z Me ~ I

I've had the worst time thinking of an 'I' for this. I can think of many little things but no one word that means much or that I have much to say about. So, here are some 'I' words that have come to my mind:
Sometimes I find it shocking how insensitive I can be. It is like I was born with a faulty sensitivity gene that only works every now and then.
I have got ISSUES! (oh, jeez! There's another 'I') I am pretty sure no one really likes me. I am also pretty sure that no one does or ever will find me attractive. Why doesn't anyone like me?!
I am not really sure why this word even comes to mind. My mind works like lightening, one brilliant flash and then it's gone. I am pretty sure that does not qualify me as intelligent.
More then one person has used this word to describe me. I don't agree. I need people!
Those are all so negative. When I think of a positive one I will add it.


At Thursday, November 10, 2005 7:57:00 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

YOU are liked!

At Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:22:00 AM , Blogger Daisy Ditzy Do said...

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At Thursday, November 10, 2005 10:26:00 AM , Blogger Daisy Ditzy Do said...

By who? Why 'anonymous'?

please note: you could say that sarcasm is my forte ;0)


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