Twinkies Pancakes
I finally had a Saturday morning with no reason to get up and rush out the door, so I decided to put one of my Christmas gifts to use.

Santa brought me The Twinkies Cookbook and a box of Twinkies. I am not Twinkies biggest fan or anything but Santa knows I can not pass up such a novelty.

This morning's recipe would be Twinkie Pancakes.

They are simple enough. Simply use the pancake batter of your choosing and slice some Twinkies.

Batter mixed. Twinkies sliced.

The instructions say the pour the batter onto a preheated griddle and place three Twinkie slices in the batter. Flip pancakes when bubbles begin to form.

Flipping the pancakes seemed to be just for browning the Twinkies. I noticed the Twinkie 'ends' burned very quickly. While the Twinkies burned my pancakes did not brown at all. Ick

I decided to try it again, my own way.
I placed the Twinkie slices on the cool griddle.

Then I poured the batter over the slices and turned the heat on. I waited for the bubbles and then flipped them.

As the batter on the other side browned, the cream from the Twinkies bubbled out of the pancakes. In the recipe version most of the cream melted and disappeared. I like the look of the gooey cream bubbling up.
Here is the finished product. I like my version of the recipe much better. While in the end the Twinkies do not add much flavor to the pancakes no matter how you cook them, cooking them my way did give you the sweet taste of the cream.
I'd make this again for the novelty of it but definitely not on a regular basis.
I can't wait to try another recipe! Next? Perhaps Twinkie Sushi.
Blech! I guess I'm just not a Twinkie person.
But your version definitley turned out better!
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