R.I.P. Marty Moates

On December 7th, 2006 Marty Moates found himself in a very 'dark' place. Unfortunately he could only think of one way out of that place.
I knew Marty as a kind, generous man with a warm, welcoming smile. I attended his memorial service and found that there was far more kindness, generosity and love behind that smile then I had imagined. Visit www.martymoates.com to learn more about Marty and read stories and memories from Marty's friends.
It's estimated that more then 900 people came to his memorial service on Tuesday. As I looked around at the sanctuary at all the people filling the seats and those standing in the back, who'd arrived too late to get a seat, I was baffled. I could not help but wonder why he did not feel that in his time of such need, he had no one to call for help. Marty's friend, Rick Johnson, adressed exactly that when he pled with all in attendance to make a deal with our friends and our loved ones. The deal: call. If you find yourself in that terrible place, call someone. Let your friends and loved ones know they can call you.
Marty is survivied by his wife, 5 year old son and 2 adult daughters. Please keep his family and all of us effected by his death in your prayers.

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