Taylor Taylor Taylor
I like Taylor a lot. I did not like tonight's performance as much as I'd hoped but I still really like Taylor. And I am glad the judges enjoyed it as much as they did.

ACE... Oh, wait let me wipe the drool off my chin before it gets all over the keyboard. Okay.
Ace, YUM! The song was such a fantastic choice for him. He sounded great.
And holy crap is he hot! Oh jeez, here comes the drool again.

This Bobby whoever seriously bugged.
A. Quit waving your arms around
B. Shut up and let the judges talk

It only took about two notes for me to loose interest in Kevin.

Many factors could be playing a part in me really liking Chris.
1. Bald guys are hot.
2. I love the background for his performance.
3. I love Bon Jovi and he did a great job with Dead or Alive.

I was very pleasantly surprised by Will Makar. I was skeptical during his little video and when he said what he'd be singing. (something Jackson, I don't remember the title) But I really liked it.

Hated this guys falsetto bit. I was so onboard with Simon.

I am so sick of Paula already. She is really annoying. What is up?!