October 29, 2005
October 26, 2005
Is it too much to ask...
for someone to just say
'Aw, I'm sorry you had a bad night'?
I miss having someone at home to at least sympathize with me at the end of the day.
'Aw, I'm sorry you had a bad night'?
I miss having someone at home to at least sympathize with me at the end of the day.
October 19, 2005
I Don't
by Danielle Peck
You say you're doin' better
For your sake I hope it's true
I wish you well
But that's all that I can do
Save your "I'm sorry's"
Just leave 'em out the door
You can't make me feel guilty anymore
You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't
I know it sounds cruel
And it's really not like me, but
You've put me in a place
I never thought I'd be
These tears I'm crying
Are just tears of goodbye
I hope you find someone else
Somewhere in your life
Somewhere in your life
You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, I don't
I don't wanna know you still want me
Don't need to hear you can't sleep
No I don't, no I don't
You say I should stay with you
That Jesus forgives you
You pray I will, but I won't
The difference is
Jesus loves you, Oh I know
Jesus loves you, I don't
October 16, 2005
A to Z Me ~ H
H is for Hollywood
I like Hollywood.
I am one of those nosy people the frequents gossip sight s to see what is going on in Hollywood. Why do I think I need to know what is going on with these people I don't know? Why do I care? I don't know.
I also like to go to Hollywood. It is not the glamorous place one might picture but still it is cool to stroll down Hollywood boulevard looking at the stars. (and the tourists, they are funny.)
Here are a few pictures from my last Hollywood day.
This is the Disneyland star that is found at the entrance to Disney's Soda Fountain and Studio Store.

This is the exterior of The Kodak Theater. The Kodak is home to the academy Awards. I have not been on the tour just yet. Maybe next time.
Well, I planned on adding more Hollywood pictures but Blogger seems to be having issues, so that's it.
October 14, 2005
Boozin' It Up
I have never been a big drinker. As a matter of fact, since I became of age I would estimate that I've had 4 alcoholic beverages a year. My drinking has more often then not been a margarita with my mexican food. I've not been one just to drink without the meal accompanying the booze.
Lately I have actually started craving alcohol. I want to drink it at the end of a long week. I want to drink it with my meals. I want to drink it just for the sake of drinking it. Now, I still have my standards. The drinks can't taste boozy. I like my drinks fruity. Umbrellas are often found in the things I drink. Well, lately the umbrellas have not even been so much necessary. I am happy with the bottle as long as it is fruity.
Why would I want to drink? What fun is it? I don't really have any buddies to go out drinking with. (which is probably a good thing at this point) I don't want to get drunk. It only takes 2 drinks to get me tipsy. And I get really hot when I drink. There is usually sweat and I hate that.
There was a party tonight in the bar at work. Yes, No Fear has a bar in the building. I had a couple of vodka and cranberries. I enjoyed them. I of course sweat like crazy. But still I wanted to keep drinking. I had to leave the party because I had somewhere else to get to. I really wish I could have stayed. There was somebody there I wanted to talk to and did not get a chance. (so kicking myself for not talking to that person) But if I'd stayed I would have wanted to drink more. Don't get me wrong I now I could keep myself from drinking. I am just surprised at my recent appetite for liqueur.
Is this how an alcoholic gets started?
October 04, 2005
Sometimes I'm not funny! Why hasn't anyone told me?!
I just sent an email that I thought was cute at the time. Now I don't think so. Darn it! Not to worry, it's not bad or anything. Just not funny.
October 03, 2005
A to Z Me ~ G
G is for God
I was raised going to church every Sunday. As I got older and was allowed to make my own decisions I started attending less and less. Eventually I stopped going all together. It was never that I did not believe in God. I never really felt the church did anything for me. Which is so silly. What do I expect the church to do for me?
Recent struggles in my life have brought me back to that same church. The congregation is very different then that of my childhood years. I am blessed with many new sisters and brothers.
God has provided for me abundantly.