The Life of Daisy Ditzy Do

August 29, 2005

A to Z Me ~ B


The last time I saw my real hair color it was blonde.
This picture is from preschool in 1980. Yes, I have seen my natural color since then. I just really like this picture.

In the last ten years my hair has been just about every shade of red, many shades of brown and several fake blondes. Right now it is one of those fake blondes. I think sometime in the next month or so I will be revisiting brown.

August 28, 2005

A to Z Me ~ A


I am proud Auntie to


and Fred

It is so fun being an Auntie! I get to have all the fun with them and then send them home. Wohoo!

August 16, 2005

I've spent the last five days in Texas. "Good God Why" you ask? My oldest and dearest friend's daughter turned 1 on Saturday. The party was a smashing success. A fantastic time was had by all. But...
It is HOT there! Why? Why? Do people live there? Most of the time we spent outside was just going from one air conditioned environment to another. Once we went outside for a water gun fight but as soon as the water was gone we were back inside. Seriously, what makes a person live in that ickyness?

August 08, 2005

I like to think I don't get stressed. After all I am a native southern Californian. We are a laid back people right? Turns out we can get stressed too. Last week was a really crappy week for me. I got a mean, rude, nasty, totally uncalled for message from my former husband. I applied for a job and was really excited about it, of course I did not get it. And worst of all my mom went to the hospital at 3am on Thursday. All of these things happened in 24 hours. So I suddenly had a little stress to deal with. Well, maybe more then a little.

I thought I'd handled it alright. I was a mess for six hours or so then I was back. Well, I appeared to be back. Then came the chest pains, nausea, abdominal cramping, headaches and insomnia. Maybe on the surface I was back, but the stress was still there. You see, I (and the rest of my family) tend to suffer from what Tarzan's friend Tantor calls emotional constipation. We don't share. We pretend everything is fine. We keep it all inside. I've been working on that a lot since my marriage ended. That is sort of one of the purposes of this blog. Writing things here will at least get them off my chest. My friends will read it and know what is really going on. Maybe I will even start to be more at ease talking openly to people. Or maybe I will just pretend everything is fine here too? I hope not.

So, anyway, I have not heard anything else from the former husband. That's good. The job would have been nice, but oh well. And Mom has successfully had her gall bladder removed. She may be released today. That would be great! So the stressful times seem to have passed for now. But for some reason the physical effects linger. How to get rid of them? Time? Time off? Rest? Deep breaths? I guess I will figure it out eventually.

August 07, 2005

My friend Rayleen has a blog. It seems sort of fun. So here I am. I hope I think of something witty soon.

Well, what now?