B-Dawg's Boo-Boo

My kitty, Berlioz, has a boo-boo. It's an round, open, bump on his side. After some time with the cone and daily cleanings it has made no improvement.
We went to the v.e.t. She looked, she poked and said she has no idea what it is. Now he must have it surgically removed and analyzed.
:o( My boy has to have surgery. He has to be anesthetized and everything. I'm very worried that it could be something bad.
By the look on his face I'm guessing he's mostly worried about how long he'll have to wear that damn cone.
This picture is just for my amusement. I was using treats to try to get a decent picture. He got sick of waiting for the treat and came after it. I think I shall call this one "Conehead Attacks".